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We Provide High Quality Education For Everyone

We, at the nation college, believe that our charge is to promote active learning, knowledge, critical thinking, and the life and career skills necessary for engagement in our global society.


Message From The Directors

We welcome you to The Nation College formerly known as the Islamic Mission college of Nursing, is the first academic unit of the nation college in Faisalabad. The college is established for those with a passion for nursing and healthcare. Our vision of providing quality healthcare education came true in September 2023 when we started to think for innovating nursing education in Pakistan. In line with the vision and mission of The Nation college, has been at the forefront of providing quality nursing education and research.

The main objective of the college has been to train nurses in an environment where they can excel professionally and carry the highest moral and ethical standards of the profession. We believe that everyone has the right to quality healthcare and education, regardless of their financial situation. Therefore, we can promote quality healthcare, train, nurture, and equip the nurses of tomorrow with the necessary education and skills to emerge as assets for society and fulfill their personal responsibilities.

Become a part of TNC to share and explore our vision of improving and promoting public healthcare through modern teaching and training methods

Our Vision

The Nation College Faisalabad aspires to become a superlative institution via its excellence and contribution to the community and society through applied research, 21st century skill-cantered nursing education, ethical practices, and a love for humanitarian activities.

Our Mission

Mission of the nation college is to create competent, skilled, and professional nurses who can satisfy the healthcare requirements of people throughout Pakistan and beyond through contextually appropriate training, professional development, and applied research.


Successfully Complete Your Degree at THE NATION COLLEGE

We are committed to building a culture of learning, caring, exploring, and sharing at TNC. We look forward to continued partnerships in the community to maximize health outcomes and eliminate health disparities.



Double Programs

Online Programs

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Degree Programs
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Years Of History
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Graduated Students
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Professional Lecturer

What We Provide



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Start Your New Career With Urayana

Programs Offered by The Nation College

Best Career Opportunities for the Students of The Nation College


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